BJP Leader has made a mockery of himself, when he recently said in the Rajya Sabha, as why should Ban on Beef is correct and righteous. The fascination of the Hindutva right wing with Cow and anything related to the holy cow, sometimes drags them into controversy.
So here is the statement as said by the cow-lover and BJP member Shankarbhai N “If you want to save yourself from cancer, there is a need to protect cows on a priority because cow urine is effective in curing cancer completely. It can cure cent per cent. I can vouch for it. Nobody wants to hear this, There are many uses of cow dung and urine and can be put to use to treat even severe diseases like cancer,”
How can someone defy all the scientific reason and say something like this without being properly updated about the latest development in medicine and science. Mr.Shankarbhai N are you listening, there are some simple facts that you should know by now. And for your convenience we have jotted down the research and facts, all tried, tested and proved.
Starting with Point No.1
Do you even know how many types of cancer have been detected as of now in the medical history. It is over 100. YES, you heard it right and for a matter of the fact, it actually above 200. We are sure you did not know that. But that is Okay.
Point No.2
Do you really think that medical history haven’t tried to get a cure for cancer? Yes, they did attempt, bu unfortunately, till now there has been no definite “cure for cancer”
Lastly, and Most Importantly
You may have said the statement on the basis of some research but let us clarify for you, Unless and until the pharmaceutical test is not performed on human being, it is not considered valid. A patent test research is doing the rounds online, but that test was based upon mice, who drank cow’s urine. On the contrary of the report,if holy urine is consumed by human being it may cause “significant side effects, including convulsion, depressed respiration, and death.”
But still if there is anyone out there who still believes that Cow Urine must be consumed. Please provide us a medical reason not a religious one.