“Padman” starring Akshay Kumar, Radhika Apte and Sonam Kapoor in lead roles is finally releasing on 9th February and needless to say, fans are eagerly waiting to see Akshay Khiladi Kumar in all new avatar. Earlier it was scheduled to release on January 25; however, the date postponed and the flick will now hit theatres in a couple of days.
Padman’s special screening was held two days ago and several Bollywood celebrities including Swara Bhasker and Homi Adajania attended it. Interestingly, each and every celeb who watched “Padman” can’t stop admiring the movie as well as lead actors.
Swara is also all praises for “Padman” and here’s what she wrote in the micro-blogging site Twitter, “#padman Uplifting, empowering, hopeful, fun & thought provoking.. R v too quick to judge people illogically because r minds r closed by archaic notions like Shame? Kudos #RBalki sir, @mrsfunnybones @swanandkirkire thank uuuuu 4 telling this story 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾❤️❤️❤️”
#padman Uplifting, empowering, hopeful, fun & thought provoking.. R v too quick to judge people illogically because r minds r closed by archaic notions like Shame? Kudos #RBalki sir, @mrsfunnybones @swanandkirkire thank uuuuu 4 telling this story 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾❤️❤️❤️
— Swara Bhasker (@ReallySwara) February 6, 2018
Her second tweet read, “Such wonderful performances in #padman Loved @akshaykumar sir’s earnest lovable turn, @radhika_apte ‘s fantastic conviction & @sonamakapoor u shine with such an easy breezy warm performance bringing such energy and life to this happy hopeful tale. Congrats all 👏🏾👏🏾❤️❤️”
Such wonderful performances in #padman Loved @akshaykumar sir’s earnest lovable turn, @radhika_apte ‘s fantastic conviction & @sonamakapoor u shine with such an easy breezy warm performance bringing such energy and life to this happy hopeful tale. Congrats all 👏🏾👏🏾❤️❤️
— Swara Bhasker (@ReallySwara) February 6, 2018
Director Homi Adajania also took to Twitter to express his views on the flick. He tweeted, “Everybody must watch @PadManTheFilm It’s endearing, inspiring & beautiful! Loved it #balki @akshaykumar @radhika_apte @sonamakapoor @mrsfunnybones & your awesome cast & crew. And FULL RESPECT to the original #Padman #ArunachalamMuruganantham 🙏🙏😊”
Yesterday only, Akshay announced on Twitter that “Padman” is releasing in Russia also on the same day and date. He tweeted, “Happy to share, our film #PadMan becomes the first Bollywood film to be released in Russia on the same day and date. So Russia, see you at the movies on 9th February, 2018! @padmanthefilm @SonyPicsIndia @radhika_apte @mrsfunnybones @SonyPicsIndia @kriarj #RBalki”
Happy to share, our film #PadMan becomes the first Bollywood film to be released in Russia on the same day and date. So Russia, see you at the movies on 9th February, 2018! @padmanthefilm @SonyPicsIndia @radhika_apte @mrsfunnybones @SonyPicsIndia @kriarj #RBalki pic.twitter.com/k8g2k603bQ
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) February 6, 2018
Earlier “Aiyaary” starring Manoj Bajpayee and Sidharth Malhotra was slated to release on 9th February; however, its release has been postponed to 16th February now. So Akshay’s “Padman” will simply have no clash which is definitely a good news in terms of the flick’s box office collections.
So are you excited to meet Padman this Friday?