Recently an Indian from Tamil Nadu ended up on the flight of steps when he was returning to Karnataka from Gudalur with his friends after spending a weekend over there as he was following Google Maps for taking guidance in regard to the route and now a Thai woman has borne the consequences of following GPS blindly.
As per the reports, the 38 years old Thai woman from Nong Muang Khai district was travelling to Sung Men in order to meet her friend. Sung Men was an unfamiliar location for the woman so she decided to use global positioning system for reaching the location that was provided by her friend.
However, things turned problematic when GPS took her to Wiang Thong Bridge and directed her to cross it. This is a 40 years old, small 120-metre wooden suspension bridge built over the Yom river and it connects the two villages of Tambon Wiang Thong which lies in the Sung Men district. The bridge is suitable only for small bikes and pedestrians but the Thai woman chose to believe the GPS and drove the car over the bridge.
After she covered 15 meters, the vehicle stopped because the front vehicle got stuck in a gap. The woman told a news daily that she was very scared as she felt that the bridge might break and she might fall in the river.
Luckily for the Thai woman, a passerby noticed her and her vehicle and after understanding the urgency of the situation, he called the concerned authorities after which the rescue efforts started and the Thai woman was saved.
Well, GPS are committing blunders at regular intervals so next time you go for a trip, don’t rely blindly on GPS and keep enquiring with the locals to reach your destination safely and on time.