The March against Pakistan through the Mauka Mauka Video has created a stir in the World Cup Matches of India. The Men in Blue has already made it to the Quarter Final after winning three consecutive pool matches. The next match of India is on 6th March against Ireland and its “Mauka Mauka” video is the most trending and viral in all social media platforms.
And, the credit for all this creative leg pulling goes to Juju Basu and his creative team of Star Sports.
Who is Juju Basu?
He is the Creative Communication Head of Star India. He started his career from Kolkata and has worked in Mauritius and Colombo. Before joining the Star Sports office in Mumbai, he has worked with Dominos and MIIT.
The Creative Mind behind Mauka Mauka
Juju Basu wanted to create something hilarious and at the same time that can hit with the audience. And, coming from advertisement industry he knew what the audience wants. “India & Pakistan matches are anyways the most interesting to watch out for and the Indian cricket fans would love anything that is connected with Pakistan match made me develop this idea” said Juju Basu.
The Concept of Video
If you have followed the Mauka Mauka series, you will notice that the set of the video is that of a drawing room, symbolizing the same environment in India & Pakistan. Both the country enjoys watching cricket. In the background score you can hear a Sufi song playing.
The Team of Mauka Mauka
Star Sports Team : Rohit Khanna, Venkatraman Mandalam, Juju Basu, Mustafa Rangwala, Vikas Dubey, Parthmesh Sapte, Atulya Parashar, Ajeet Mistry, Dayanand Bhutte
Production House : Bubble Wrap Films
Directors : Surest Trivedi, Ninad Chavan (UAE Films)
Producer: Ketki Guhagarkar
Music: Rohan & Vinayak
Lyrics : Vikas Dubey
Check out the latest video of Mauka Mauka and laugh out loud.