These Dreadful Pictures Will Show You What Exactly Over-Population Looks Like

India has a population of 1.27 billion in 3,166,414 square kilometres.

China has population of 1.357 billion in 9,596,961 km²

Yes, the area is too small to accommodate all the people , steps are been taken to control the population but the harm has already been done.

With the population increasing in countries, there is no space for nature and bio-diversity to grow.

These pictures will stun you and will leave you awe struck seeing the dangerous and detiorating condition of the world.

1.Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico


2.Industrial livestock production in Brazil

3.South City Mall in Kolkata, India

4. Greenhouses Cover the Landscape in Almeria, Spain

5. Industrial forestry degrading public lands, Willamette National Forest in Oregon

6. Sprawling Mexico City

7. Cattle graze in the burning Amazon jungle of Brazil

8. An albatross, dead from ingesting too much plastic

9. Crop Production in China, No room for Nature

10. Garbage Wave, Indonesia, the world’s most populated island

11.Slum-dwelling residents of Port-au-Prince, Haiti

12.Clear-cut logging on Vancouver Island


Isn’t it scary?

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