Mother holds a very special, in fact irreplaceable place in her child’s heart and no one can even come close to this spot as it requires selfless love, immense dedication and countless sacrifices which only the mother of the child can make and that too happily without any regrets.
However, not everyone in this world is lucky enough to be blessed with mother’s love all through their lives for some or the other reason just like this boy whose mother departed from the world due to an illness or accident when he was quite young. He just cannot come out of her memories and wishes to reunite with her anyhow.
His plight, his loneliness, how he got thrashed by his father and how desperately he yearns to find solace in his mother’s lap is something that will break your heart and tears will roll down your cheeks.
One day, he got to hear from an old lady of his village that if he finds a ‘Goolar ka phool’ which is very difficult even to be seen, all his wishes would be fulfilled and his mother would be alive again. With the same notion in mind, he wakes up at midnight and walks to the jungle to find the flower.
What happened next? Could he reunite with his mother? To know that, you need to watch the video!
Click here to watch this video directly on YouTube
Have you seen a ‘Goolar ka phool’ ever?