Swachh Bharat, the initiative by Narendra Modi has seen many celebs participating. They all tried to teach Indians the value of cleanliness. But as we know Amitabh Bachchan is the baap of all the stars, and when the Queen Kangana also joins in, it has to be something larger than life.
And, this is the reason, the government chose both National Award winning actor to spread a word. In this new Swacch Bharat advertisement, the story is undoubtedly the king. It touches exactly where the heart and brain of Indian resides. Well, you guessed it right its Lakshmi, we mean Money. Everyone go berserk in order to earn it, and some time to hide it. But you won’t find anyone who denies it or says they don’t need it. No matter how much you have, it’s always very less.
Much up to the belief that,Lakshmi uski ghar padharti hai, jis ghar safai rahti hai.
This video is for all those, even for us because at times, unconsciously we also do so.
Didn’t you relate with this video?
The story of every household, nook and corner of our country!
This Independence Day take a pledge to improve the environment and make our country shine.