On Tuesday, Facebook’s WhatsApp urged the users of the highly used messaging application to upgrade the application if not updated following a report that users can have spiteful spyware installed in their phone without their awareness.
A spokesperson from WhatsApp said We want our users to upgrade their latest version of the application as well as to keep their mobile operating system updated to protect their smartphones against possible exploits designed to manipulate the information on the device.
Also said that they’re constantly working to upgrade the security enhancements to offer their users with latest securities with the help of industry.
As per the report of Financial Times, a feebleness in Whatsapp enabled attackers to insert spyware on smartphones by calling up the targets through the Whatsapp voice call function. The spyware has been developed by Israel cyber surveillance company NSO group.
When the NSO group was asked about the report, they responded the technology is licensed to government authorized agency and it has been developed to fight against crime and terrorism. It doesn’t operate the system by itself.
The company further added we will investigate the reliable allegations of misuse if necessary and we will take actions including shutting down the system.
Update your WhatsApp Application if it’s pending!