China is one of India’s neighbor and apparently, Pakistan’s helping hand. Here are some more strange facts about the country-
1. Google allows free legal download of music in China.
2. The country is said to suffer from world’s worst brain drain. 7 out of 10 students who go abroad to study, never come to China.
3. One out of every 5 people in the world is a Chinese. Their population is said to be around 1,338,612,968 in July, 2009.
4. Toilet paper was invented by China in 1300s and was used by Chinese emperors only!
5. There were fake Apple stores in China, even the staff were convinced that they’re working for Apple.
6. Rich people in China can hire their body doubles to serve jail sentence instead of them.
7. Social networking sites like Facebook and YouTube is banned in China. Although, they have their own Chinese social networking sites.
8. A total of 10,000 cats are eaten per day in Guangdong district.
9. In 2006, 50,000 dogs were slaughtered in China when 3 people died of rabies. Dogs being walked by their owners were seized from then and beaten to death. What cruel inhumans these people are!
10. In 2010, a traffic jam lasted 12 days and spanned around 99.8 kms!

Do you know more crazy facts about any other country? Let us know below.