If you’re a programmer, i’d like to thank you for programming everything and even making me able to write here. Specially for you, we’ve made some of the best and even the worst (BUT FUNNY) memes so that you can take some time towards your health too by having a good laugh. Laughing is very necessary just like coding is to you. So, here are some memes.
1. Why The F*UCK ?
2. Why Just WHY? ?
3. Joker Mind Loss ?
4. Male+Female=Programmer ?
5. Normal Person Vs Programmer ?
6. Money Or Life ?
7. You’ll Learn To Make Videogames They Said ?
8. I Don’t Always ?
9. Success Is.. ?
10. Error Multiplies ?
11. That Awesome Feeling ?
12. Let’s Change Nothing And Run It Again ?
13. Expectations Vs Reality ?
14. Best Programming Script Ever ?
15. Artist Vs Programmer ?
16. Bugs Bugs Everywhere ☹️
Don’t forget to share with your friends and to make them laugh and let us know your views please write in the comments section below.