2 Employees Exchanged Notes Over A Stolen Chocolate & It’s Most Interesting Act Done In An Office

Little fun at the work place not only refreshes employees but also makes the atmosphere cheery and cordial apart from helping the team in bonding well. But whatever has happened between the two employees of Buzz Travel Marketing is something which we bet you may not have witnessed earlier in your life.

All this happened just because of a chocolate and printed notes were exchanged by the fridge, and finally it was the HR whose intervention sorted out the matter.

Here it goes:

Beginning of the war:

2 Employees Exchanged Notes Over A Stolen Chocolate & It’s Most Interesting Act Done In An Office - RVCJ Media

Thief responds:

Warning of HR:

The thief is a braveheart:

Poor victim:

Professional thief who keeps promises:

The Divine Intervention:

Side-effects of chocolate:

The victim lost hope:

The Bad Guy:

The thief finally caught:

Request from the culprit:

Isn’t it something that the whole office will remember for a long time? LOL 😀

What do you think of the whole incident? Share your views in the comments section below.


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