20-Yr Delhi Girl Wanted To Kill Herself Because She Was Pregnant & Then This Happened..

Many youngsters commit suicide every year due to various reasons such as failure in studies or love. What’s more, sometimes they commit such an act of which they are ashamed and don’t want anyone to know about it. However, the question that arises is, whether any reason can be worthy enough for committing suicide?

A 20 yrs old girl from the capital city of India, i.e., New Delhi got pregnant and that too because of a guy who was not even her boyfriend. She wanted to commit suicide but netizens came together and made the girl change her decision.

Earlier this week, the girl shared a photo on Snapchat which featured pregnancy kit showing that the test was positive. She also shared it with The Artidote, a space which heals with the help of art, makes bonding strong, showers compassion and tells stories.

She wrote, “I’m only 20 and the boy who knocked me up isn’t even my boyfriend; I’m so scared I think I’ll OD tonight so I don’t bring shame to my family.”

20-Yr Delhi Girl Wanted To Kill Herself Because She Was Pregnant & Then This Happened.. - RVCJ Media

The girl was thinking of overdosing that night as she didn’t want to bring shame to her family. The Artidote is managed by Jovanny Varela-Ferreyra and through his page, he has taught many how to fall in love with yourself, face the problems, fight the agony and enjoy the life as it comes to you.

This time also he did what he usually does; he shared the photo and within few minutes, people from all around the world started sending love and compassion for this girl from New Delhi.

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Love from Durban:

Very well-said! Lots of hugs!

That’s so touchy..

Ray of positive vibes in the dark..

What could be more heart-warming..

What a brilliant piece of advice!

And this all worked!

All’s well that ends well!

Social media is a very strong platform which has the ability to change people’s lives and this incident definitely proves its power and worth!

Don’t forget to share your views with regard to the article in the comments section below.

Source: Facebook

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