Abhishek Bachchan Says That He Will Do Satnam Singh’s Biopic For Free But On This Condition

It was a proud moment for all the Indians when an Indian basketball player Satnam Singh Bhamara from Punjab got selected in the National Basketball Association (NBA) team in the USA. Satnam was the first Indian player to get selected in NBA and it was a big moment for the nation to see an Indian playing in such a big league.

Now there is some more good news for the fans of Satnam. He has expressed a desire of his life being shown in the form of a movie and he will feel great if it is done by any Indian movie maker.

Abhishek Bachchan Says That He Will Do Satnam Singh’s Biopic For Free But On This Condition - RVCJ Media


He also said that considering his game and height, actor Abhishek Bachchan would be the best choice to play the role of his character in the film.

When Junior Bachchan got to hear about this wish of Satnam, he happily gave his consent; however, he added one condition and said that if Satnam fulfilled this single condition, he would work in the flick for free.


Here’s what Abhishek wrote, “Ok @hellosatnam here’s the deal…. it would be my pleasure & honour. But my condition is, u have to win a NBA championship 1st!”

He added, “And if you do… I’ll do the film for free. Fees can go towards any charity of your choice. @NBAIndia @NBA @hellosatnam”

A documentary on the life of Satnam has already been made and it is called “One In A Billion”. It gives a glimpse of his journey from a man of an Indian small town to a player of the topmost league.

We hope that Satnam brings more pride to the nation and his wish gets fulfilled soon.


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