When Asked About Salman’s Rape Comment Irrfan Says Bollywood Is Not Unified!

Salman’s ‘Raped woman’ comment has been a hot topic of discussion these days. Yes, this comment welcomed a lot of irk and anger from all. However, Bollywood has decided to maintain silence on this issue. Yes, most of the Bollywood stars gave no reaction on this.


Recently, in an interview, Irrfan Khan disclosed the reason as to why Bollywood has not reacted over this issue. He says “If you express your opinion, people get ruffled. We as an industry are not united. Everyone is looking for their own interest”. Yes, Irrfan Khan spoke in a very diplomatic manner and stated that he doesn’t know the context in which the Sultan actor passed such a comment. He also stated “Why do we always expect celebrities to say the right things?”

When Irrfan was asked about money being the reason for Bollywood keeping mum, he stated “Yes. As professionals we are expected to bring back money. And actors are entitled to their own opinion,” On being asked whether Bollywood actors are hypocrites, Irrfan stated “We are vulnerable people. Maybe hypocrite but also vulnerable.”

So guys what do you have to say about Irrfan’s diplomatic answer? Do let us know your comments in our comments section below.

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