Bad News For ‘Sasural Simar Ka’ Fans! It Will Break Your Heart & You Might Quit Watching The Show

“Sasural Simar Ka” has been one of the most popular and most watched shows of Indian television but what we are going to tell you here will break your heart and you might even quit watching the show.

Any guesses? This is something you may never have imagined! Okay, let’s not make it suspense anymore and tell you straight-forwardly.

Well, this is really a big blow for all the fans of SSK that their favorite actress is leaving the show.

Bad News For ‘Sasural Simar Ka’ Fans! It Will Break Your Heart & You Might Quit Watching The Show - RVCJ Media


Yes, you read it right! Dipika Kakar, who played the character of Simar from the very beginning of the show since 2011, got emotional on the last day of the shoot and uploaded an image of her decorated green room.

Source: Instagram

She expressed her emotions in these words, “Entering the green room for one last time, mixed emotions kicking in looking at the decoration. blessed with the best team #iwillmissyou #sasuralsimarka”

Dipika was serving the notice period which has come to an end now. Earlier in 2014 also, she resigned but that time she gave a second thought to her decision.


Dipika has also uploaded the photos of her new house on Instagram which is an indication that she is going to start a new phase of her life and Shoaib Ibrahim will also be a part of it.

She is presently in a relationship with him and the couple is planning to get married in 2018.


Shoaib Ibrahim was also a part of “Sasural Simar Ka” as he was the one who played original Prem, the husband of Simar.


We wish Dipika all the best and hope that the couple has a bright future.


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