Rightly said, “A bad day in Paris is still better than a good day anywhere else.”
Here are top 10 reasons to visit the most romantic place in the world. Have a look-
1. More than 80 million people visit Paris every year making it the most visited city in the world.
2. You can marry a dead person in France.
3. The Eiffel tower swayed 13 cm during a storm in 1999.
4. There are 31 street condom vending machines in Paris.
5. It was illegal for women to wear trouser in Paris until 2012.
6. “Fluctuat nec mergitur” is the official city motto of Paris meaning “SHE IS TOSSED BY THE WAVES BUT DOES NOT SINK.”
7. There is a Statue of Liberty in Paris that faces the Statue of Liberty in America which symbolizes the friendship between the two countries.
8. There is only ONE STOP SIGN in the whole Paris.
9. Apparently, there are more dogs in the city than children – 300,000!
10. “Paris Syndrome” is a severe form of cultural shock.
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