Yahoo Answers are one of the best place to solve your problems.
But sometimes it can turn out to be a nice place to watch out.
Have a look at some of the funniest and stupidest Questions and Answers you will ever see on Yahoo Answers.
1. This guy is in relationship with his dog.
2. This guy explained why it should not rain in Australia.
3. Ever tried to print out gifs??
4. A simple step to become Justin Bieber
5. Can somebody answer this??
6. Steps to Unbake a Cake…
7. Ever tried running away from Police?? From next time, follow these suggestions…
8. This guy deserves a medal..
9. So, was it NASA who invented thunderstorm??
10. Have you ever tried inserting your Credit Card in a CD Rom?? This guy actually did it..
11. This is how Youtube is going to come and film you…