This Guy Lost Rs 12 Lac But Still You’ll Be Happy For Him – Check Out Why

This Guy Lost Rs 12 Lac But Still You'll Be Happy For Him - Check Out Why - RVCJ Media

All the advertisements to stop drinking and drive seems like just any other ad to some people and they ignore it blandly. So, this Advertisement might interest you if you understand only the sarcastic language.

Some people are lucky enough that they have not met with accident in drunk driving case, but many are even more luck just like the protagonist in the video by NisheethTV. We drink and make merry and forget about the result which may cause disaster in our life.

To all of those, you can never be as lucky as this men in the video.
So, please take care of yourself after you get drunk. Not because your life is precious, but for the sake of the life of your loved ones.


Share it with your friends. DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE (y)

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