Media Is Filled With Reports About This New Demand Of Kapil! Is It True Or Just For Viewership?

After the fallout between Kapil and Sunil, things have turned out to be really bad for the former. His show has seen a drastic dip in TRPs; no one is interested in his show because it is lacking that good humor, due to absence of Sunil Grover.

Though Kapil is trying all means to keep his show alive, things aren’t working in his favor. Owing to low TRPs, Sony has issued a warning to Kapil and has given him 1 month to settle the matter, failing which, the show might have to be pulled off.

However, according to media, Kapil seems to be unaffected by all these developments. He still has his own demands, which Sony might not agree with.

Fresh reports have surfaced which state that Kapil has demanded a 50 percent hike in his fees. Is this justified? The whole team of TKSS was ruined due to Kapil’s unruly behavior; how can he even think of demanding a hike and that too 50 percent? However, there are good chances of this news being fake because these media houses just find a reason to add spice to the existing gossips. Here’s the screenshot of the headlines;

Media Is Filled With Reports About This New Demand Of Kapil! Is It True Or Just For Viewership? - RVCJ Media

People are curious to know each and every thing that is happening with Kapil after this fight, and so media has got a good opportunity to increase the viewership by serving spicy news. Some websites have even questioned his stardom!

If this news is true, then Kapil is certainly wrong. He should think of the declining TRPs and find a solution for the same rather than demanding a rise.

People are already slamming Kapil for his ego and weird behavior and such headlines will make them hate him even more.

Do you think this news is true? Share your views in our comments section below.

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