How A Mobile Phone Took The Life Of A 14-Yr Boy Will Give You Goosebumps

The desire for materialistic things is increasing day by day in the individuals and the level of patience is also something which we are losing at a pretty fast rate. This trend is also affecting school-going kids as a 14-yr boy committed suicide just because he didn’t get a mobile phone. Shocking, isn’t it?

How A Mobile Phone Took The Life Of A 14-Yr Boy Will Give You Goosebumps - RVCJ Media


On Tuesday night, a boy named P Lingamurthy committed suicide by hanging himself from a tree which was near his school in Jagityal district. Some children saw his body hanging on Wednesday morning when they were going to school in Ikityal village, Raikal mandal.

Lingamurthy’s parents died few years back and he was being brought up by a widow relative, P Lakshmi who is poor and doesn’t have the resources to buy a touchscreen phone for Lingamurthy which made him angry.

Here’s what SI K Lakshminarayana, Raikal told,

“The woman is poor. She works as a daily-wage labourer. The family could not afford to buy such a phone and the boy was also told that he was too young to own one. There were also a few rows between the boy and his foster mother over her inability to buy him a phone.”


However, it seems as if he was not able to live without a mobile phone and left home on the night of Tuesday for never coming back. SI further stated, “We suspect that he took his life on Tuesday night,” as all the evidences indicate that he had committed suicide.

The life of the boy was far more valuable than a mobile phone, don’t you think so? Share your views in this connection in the comments section below.

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