Mukhtar Mai is a 44-year-old who isn’t a model but she moved everyone with her ramp walk at the “Fashion Pakistan Week”, after knowing her story, you too will be saluting her for what she has achieved. This special appearance was staged by Karachi-based designer Rozina Munib for the Fashion Pakistan Week in Karachi on Tuesday. The collection showcased, was ‘Zindagi Ke Rang’ (Colours of life) dedicated to the ups and downs Mai has gone through in her life.
“Fashion needs to care. It’s become a booming industry and thereby, has an ethical responsibility to place focus on significant causes,” Rozina Munib, the PR strategist of the designer told Pakistan’s Dawn.
Her journey dates back to 2002 when a local council of tribal elders sentenced her as a gang-rape victim, making her a victim to public humiliation. Mai, instead of letting this crush her, fought her way through till Pakistan’s Supreme Court jailed her attackers. This was simply the beginning of her legendary story as she went on to fight for the cause of rape victims and the shame attached to them, challenging it with her activism. She aspires to be the voice of all those women who face what she did 14 years ago, spreading the message that women are aren’t weak and have just as strong minds and brave hearts as any other person. Ever since, she has turned her shame into her strength, as she now works towards improving the other women’s lives in her village through her school.
Rozina Munib, the designer chose Mukhtar Mai as the showstopper to spread the message to all the women that no incident, be it as cruel as rape should have the power to hold you down. Asad-ul-Haq showcased a short film highlighting Mukhtaran’s work for her village’s women before she walked the ramp. The show was a new change in itself as even though it was the first time for designer Rozina Munib’s at Fashion Pakistan Week, she decided to stun the world with Mukhataran as the showstopper instead of playing it safe with an actress or a high-end model.
Our hearts salute their bravery and wish more power to them. What do you have to say about this powerful event. Let us know your views in the comments below.