Ever wondered why after spending a fortune at a fancy restaurant does not fill our stomachs and on the contrary, when we spend a maximum hundred to two hundred rupees on a small food joint we eat till we drop? Then what is the main funda behind the fame of the fancy restaurants? One does not get value for money food but still prefer going to these places.

The Hi-End restaurants focus on the “Art of food.” The Chefs who work in these restaurants are highly qualified from national and international institutes who try to impress the customers with their creativity. They use high-quality ingredients to cook and serve. The chefs get to showcase their talents and flaunt their skills in front of you. They use different techniques and methodologies to prepare.

The primary motive is to enjoy every bite that you eat. Small portions help to extract pleasure from every bite. You are not spending a lump some amount of money to eat till satiety, but here you will get a novel experience in the field of taste. You will be satisfied but not bloated. If you are eating small portions, then you can eat many other dishes as well. You will enjoy eating and relish a small amount of many food items rather than eating a large amount of one meal.

Budding Food Critic Mudra Keswani expresses her opinion about this-
“Food served at a five-star hotel is of a high-class category. From quality to the presentation. Everything is top notch. While small restaurants compromise on quality which makes food cheaper and therefore leading to differences in quantity. Five-star restaurants aim to cater high-end guests. While small cafes aim to provide middle class and student category. Now naturally there’ll be quality and quantity difference. But then people go for brands, so it’s a mixed experience. Some are good while some are bad as well.”
(Mudra Keswani was awarded for the Best Restaurant Reviews by Food Bloggers Association of India (FBAI) in 2016 in Mumbai. She aims to change the gastronomic landscape by making people aware about the different cuisines.)

Your stomach won’t feel full, but you can enjoy the best culinary experience with a big-fat bill off course. The extra ordinary experience won’t fill you up but will satisfy you.