After Seeing These Pics Of Google’s Indian Restaurant ‘Baadal’ You Would Wish You Were An Employee Here!

For Indians who are settled abroad, it is a big task to find some good ‘Desi food’. The taste and culture of food abroad is very different, thereby making it extremely tough for Indians to adjust with it. Silicon Valley is booming with companies and each one is doing its best for catering to the needs of its Indian employees. However, among all the companies there, Google truly caters to everyone’s taste buds. Headquarters of Google have 30 kinds of eating joints, can you believe that?

Google has made Indians happy with ‘Baadal’!

Now, among all the restaurants of Google, ‘Baadal’ restaurant is an all time favorite of Indians. Yes, this is an Indian restaurant in the company and was opened on the demand of employees for an Indian restaurant. While all other food joints in Google’s campus are take-away ones or stand-in ones, this is the 1st sit-in joint.


What’s famous in this restaurant?

This restaurant is filled with Bollywood posters, India maps and flags everywhere and is very colorful. Everyday, there is a new menu, but the hot favorite here is chicken biryani and masala chai. The restaurant’s specialty is ‘Baadal rice’ which is a mixture of Bhutanese red rice, brown rice and Sona Masoori rice. Everything that you crave for i.e. South Indian thalis, tikkas or desserts, you will find it here.

This restaurant is overly populated!

This restaurant is so populated that sometimes even employees don’t get place to sit here and need a reservation in advance. The chef behind Baadal’s delicious food is Irfan Dama who cooks with sheer perfection. He enjoys too many followers on his YouTube channel who yearn to learn his cooking skills.

’Baadal’ cares for Brahmins too!

Baadal offers a special meal for ‘Brahmins’ too, thereby making them super happy. Moreover there is a truck outside i.e. ‘Bijali’, which offers quick bites i.e. take away snacks for people who don’t have time to sit and eat in peace.

Have a look at the pics below! You’ll wish you could have been a Google employee after seeing these pics!

Enter Baadal!


Amazing ambience!


Yummy food…

Mouth-watering Biryani!

It looks as if someone has sent this Thaali straight from India!

The menu!

Employees are loving it!

The chef who cooks such delicious food!

Truck outside the office for quick bites!

So guys how did you find this restaurant, isn’t it awesome? Do let us know your comments in our comments section below…

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