The actor Sonu Sood has attained a cult status not because of his acting but for the social work that he did during the COVID-19 pandemic. When the country was hit by the first wave of coronavirus, the “Happy New Year” actor worked hard with his team and arranged for transportation for many migrant workers so that they could return to their native places. In the second wave of COVID-19, Sonu Sood along with his team has been making efforts to save lives by providing medicines, oxygen cylinders and arranging beds for patients.
Many people have started worshipping the actor because of his noble deeds and now he is getting offers for the role of lead hero in movies. Some time ago, Sonu Sood disclosed that many leading actors are now afraid of hitting him in a film because they feel that public will curse them if they hit or abuse Sonu Sood in the movie.
Recently, Sonu Sood took to the micro-blogging site Twitter and shared an interesting piece of information about himself. Sonu has featured on the cover page of the Stardust magazine of April issue and he revealed that there was a time when he sent his photos from Punjab for audition in Stardust but he was rejected and now he is on the cover page of the same magazine.
Sonu Sood posted the photo of the cover page with the caption, “There was a day when I had sent my pictures from Punjab for an audition of Stardust, but got rejected. Today want to thank Stardust for this lovely cover. Humbled”
There was a day when I had sent my pictures from Punjab for an audition of Stardust, but got rejected.
Today want to thank Stardust for this lovely cover.
Humbled ❣️🙏
@sumita11 @Stardust_Magna @vedishnaidu @ashok_dhamankar— sonu sood (@SonuSood) May 30, 2021
Sonu Sood has shared his experiences and life journey in the memoir I Am No Messiah in which he shared how a villain of the big screen became a real-life superhero. Kudos to Sonu Sood for all his noble deeds and efforts!