The society and its hypocrisy is known to everyone. Unfortunately, we belong to such hypocrite society and are a part of it. A girl is raped every hour, and all that we can do is act as if we are bothered. Unless and until it is your daughter, mother, sister, wife, friend or, girlfriend, NO ONE will dare to take any step against the authority.
Yes, we do take care against the rapist, by changing our Whatsapp DP, Facebook Cover Picture, Writing great poems and blogs. All for showing how much we understand the agony that a woman goes through after getting raped. Protests, Rally, Agitation, this is all we can do and all that we are capable to do.
Have you ever changed your profile picture to protest against rape?
Do you really want to know, what happens after rape?
Can you feel the pain behind the death of a soul?
Check the video, but I am sure than also WE will remain the same.. But still try to change…….