11 Things Americans Can Do But Indians Can’t, Check Out The Whole List

America is a land of educated and brainy people. India is a developing country and there’s no dearth of talent, but when compared to America, it still receives criticism. No doubt, we love our country a lot, but there’s no denying the fact that not everyone can do everything.

There is a list of things which Americans can do it easily but Indians can’t do it at all; yes, such things do exist and even you will agree with us after reading the list.

1. Americans will always put their garbage in trash, and when I talk about India, we all are well acquainted with our habits and how religiously we follow the use of dustbin.


2. Indian Streets are full of vehicles and sounds. They keep on honking impatiently whether the vehicle has any place to move or not; on the other hand, Americans are more patient on roads and do not honk unnecessarily.

3. We Indian always need to give an explanation that the opposite sex is just our friend and not beyond that. But Americans are very friendly with their opposite gender. Living relations are very common there & people accept it so easily

4. Americans are actually least bothered about what “Society” thinks. They don’t care; all they are bothered about is themselves and their profession. Indians are more bothered about what others do, rather than minding their own business.

5. No matter how early they need to turn up in their offices, rules are rules and they make it a point to follow them. Whereas this is not the case with Indian citizens. They are so impatient, that they can break any rule on the Earth.

6. If Indian guys spot any foreign lady while walking on the road, they can’t stop staring at her. Whereas Americans don’t stare at anyone, no matter how cool and beautiful she is. Americans can control themselves, but this is impossible in case of Indians.

7. American schools allow boys to grow their hair, whereas India is very strict with respect to this aspect; they should be cut short and trimmed every time. Can’t Indian schools too give some freedom just like Americans do?

8. Americans don’t judge a person by their profession or by the outfits a lady carries. They are very normal and humble to people with different profession and fashion styles. On the other hand, Indians are expert in this. Can’t they just move on and stop these things? No, they can never ever do it.

9. Caste, creed, age, sex, color doesn’t matter for Americans. But in India, these things are given utmost priority. Americans marry their love without considering these things, but Indians don’t even think of moving beyond these things.

10. Americans make space so that the ambulance and fire brigade reaches the required place as soon as possible, wherein Indian streets are so full, that an ambulance gets struck itself; sometimes, there have been headlines about death of people in the ambulance (Due to traffic) Once again, Americans are good at rules and regulations, wherein Indians aren’t.

11. Americans can kiss in public but Indians – Ha Ha Ha. What do we say beyond this?

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