What Freedom To A Woman Means?

Even though we are living in a free country where we can do whatever we want to and enjoy the freedom that we have, we need to ask ourselves are we REALLY free? Is THIS what freedom actually means? Even today, a girl cannot get out of her house after 9 or go to a late night movie show with her friends because of the fear of being raped or sexually harassed in public. Here is the list of the kind of freedom every women in India wants so that we can proudly say that “YES, INDIA IS A FREE COUNTRY AND WE HAVE THE FREEDOM OUR FREEDOM FIGHTERS FOUGHT FOR.”

1. The freedom to stay out of our home without the fear of being kidnapped.

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2. The freedom to wear whatever we want without being harassed in public.


3. The freedom to go to the office without the fear of never returning home.


4. The freedom to raise our voice in a society where males are considered superior to women and women have no right to raise their voice.


5. The freedom to talk to whoever we want and do whatever we want without being judged by the entire society.


6. Or wear the kind of clothes we want without hearing any abusive words.


7. The freedom to marry anyone we want without being afraid of becoming victims of “Honour killing.”


8. Or having the choice to marry anyone we want despite his/her caste, religion, nationality, occupation, gender, etc & not being asked for Dowry.


9. The freedom to marry at any age we want and set our own priorities even if marriage isn’t one of them.


10. The freedom to proudly say that we are NOT feminists because men and women are treated equally in our country.


11. The freedom to make our own decisions and live our life the way we want to.


12. The sense of freedom that we are not seen as SEX-OBJECTS but normal human beings in our society.

Sexual Harassment


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