This Guy’s Conversation With A Zomato Executive Is Heartwarming, You Just Can’t Miss This

I’ll not deny it. When you order food online and hunger pangs strike, you’re left with no other choice but to keep annoying the customer service executive assigned to you.

I’ll admit, I’ve done it more than once.

Zomato, being one of the country’s best food delivery apps, has a stellar customer service system. They’re prompt, and will help you as far as possible.

This Guy's Conversation With A Zomato Executive Is Heartwarming, You Just Can't Miss This - RVCJ Media

They also have a pretty strong social media marketing team, along with active team members, who make sure that customers are kept happy at all times.

Piyush Dwibedi was in a similar position when the food that he had ordered through Zomato was delayed. He contacted the customer service executive through chat.

Although this may not be what you want to hear when you’re really hungry, a little kindness never hurt anyone. This is what Piyush replied:

The best part about the whole conversation is that the Zomato executive never loses his patience and seems genuinely interested in making things easier for the customer.

This is hilarious:

This is downright adorable.

This is what he tweeted:

And Zomato even replied:

You see, being rude or yelling at the customer service guys is not the way to go. They’re trying their very best to provide exceptional customer service, and a little bit of cooperation is all they ask for.

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