ALT Balaji starts the year with a bang; they have come up with the first ever Bhojpuri web series, which is titled “Hero Varrdiwala”
To make matters all the more exciting, Dinesh Lal Yadav Nirahua, veteran Bhojpuri actor, will be starring in the show, along with the gorgeous Amrapali Dubey.
In fact, Dinesh posted on Instagram, informing us about the release of the first song from Hero Varrdiwala. Check it out here:
Did you know that the web series will be based on a book named Vardiwala Gunda by Prakash Sharma? We think this is going to be amazing!
In fact, it had been announced that the trailer for the series will be released on Makar Shankranti, while the episodes will be streaming on ALT Balaji from 25th January, 2019.
ALT Balaji has some superb content in store for you – content like ‘Apharan’ that is fresh, unique and unlike anything you’ve seen before.
And we promise you, this Bhojpuri webseries has a lot of potential, and we definitely like the first look.
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25th January it is, and we certainly can’t keep calm! Tune into ALT Balaji to watch streaming episodes!