Girl Pulls An Awesome Prank On Her Mother And Gets Permission To Bring Friends Over Drinks

Girl Pulls An Awesome Prank On Her Mother And Gets Permission To Bring Friends Over Drinks - RVCJ Media

Who doesn’t want to party with friends, and when it is with the parent’s permission, then nothing like it. However, not all parents agree to share drinks with friends. For some kids, they just figure out the way to get the permit.

Similarly, this girl was curiously trying to find a way out. She just did a small tweak in her mother’s mobile and every “No” her mother wrote became “YEAH HELL”. Now that gave her the permission, with a proof she could show to her mom and leaving her mother in a fix.
It did not just end here. Getting inspired by her mischievous act, many people tried the same thing and the results were amazing.

I think I will be trying this on my mom too… :p

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