Reports Say War Between US & North Korea Is A “Real Possibility”. Listed Consequences Too

Since a long time, there have been controversies between United States & North Korea. Both the nations are giving threats to each other and every time, we feel that there’s going to be a 3rd World War soon.

Well, until now we were just guessing, but now, reports are out, which say that this war between North Korea & U.S is a “Real possibility”. Yes, Royal United Services Institute conducted a research and concluded with the war becoming a real possibility.

Reports Say War Between US & North Korea Is A "Real Possibility". Listed Consequences Too - RVCJ Media

According to this report, there would be too many casualties in this conflict and it could be hundreds of thousands, despite no weapons being used.

The report further added that the consequences might be very bad; it would hamper the global economy and have a negative effect on the market and supply chains. The report predicts millions of refugees after this war, which can be started by either side.

How could the war start?

The war can be started in 2 ways; either Pyongyang will strike if it feels a surprise attack is being planned by the U.S or secondly, Washington might strike if there is firing of test missiles by North Korea near California or Guam.

The deputy director general of RUSI Malcolm Chalmers said that this war won’t be short or surgical.

How would the scenario be?

If US launches the war, it might resort to cyberattacks and airstrikes for disabling or destroying the military infrastructure of North Korea. The neighboring countries like South Korea & Japan will be given limited warning if US plans surprise attack. Even Russia and China won’t be given ultimatum in advance.


On the other hand, Pyongyang might strike South Korea as it has been a strong alliance of US. Nuclear, chemical or conventional weapons will be used. With this war, relations of South Korea- US will be destroyed & global economy will be paralysed.

Do you think this war is going to be a reality? Let us know…

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